Real Estate June 17, 2024

What is a 1031 exchange?

What is a 1031 Exchange?

A 1031 exchange is a real estate transaction which allows investors to defer capital gains taxes. Named after IRS Code Section 1031, it applies to properties held for business or investment purposes.

Benefits of a 1031 Exchange

1. Tax Deferral

The primary benefit is tax deferral. Investors can postpone paying capital gains taxes, keeping more capital.

2. Increased Investment Capital

More capital means more money to reinvest in other properties. This enhances investment potential.

3. Portfolio Diversification

A 1031 exchange allows for portfolio diversification. Investors can switch to different property types or locations, reducing risk.

4. Wealth Accumulation

Deferred taxes help in wealth accumulation. Reinvested savings can grow the investment portfolio significantly over time.

5. Estate Planning

For estate planning, a 1031 exchange is beneficial. Heirs inherit properties at a stepped-up market value, possibly owing less in taxes.

How a 1031 Exchange Works

Step 1: Sell the Property

First, sell the existing property. Make sure it qualifies under the 1031 exchange rules.

Step 2: Identify Replacement Property

Next, identify a replacement property. This must be done within 45 days of the sale.

Step 3: Purchase the Replacement Property

Then, purchase the identified property. Complete this within 180 days of selling the original property.

Step 4: Follow the Rules

Ensure all transactions follow IRS rules. This includes using a qualified intermediary to handle the funds.


In summary, a 1031 exchange allows tax deferral, increases investment capital, aids in diversification, and benefits estate planning. Following the steps carefully ensures a successful exchange.

